I’ve been working extensively with Audacity for a long time to create well-crafted subliminals that actually work. Now, you might be wondering why audio engineering matters in the realm of the subconscious mind. Well, first of all, it is important to note that your choice of digital audio workstation (DAW), text-to-speech tools, recorded vocals, or AI does not impact the quality of your subliminal messages. Your subconscious mind isn’t picky about that.
The Critical Error
However, here’s where many subliminal creators often go wrong: they pack an overwhelming amount of audio information into a single stereo or mono track and expect the subconscious to decode it. This is a primary reason why some individuals don’t experience the desired results from subliminals, unlike those who use well-crafted subliminals.
The heart of the issue
Subliminals do work, but the fundamental mistake that plagues most subliminal creators is the tendency to cram hundreds, sometimes thousands, of affirmations into a mere one- to three-minute audio file. Unfortunately, this approach usually results in subliminal audio data that is degraded into a chaotic mess or, more aptly, white noise. Essentially, it’s like trying to stuff an entire library into a matchbox—it just doesn’t work.
The Limitations of Audio Software
It’s essential to understand that audio software, no matter how advanced, cannot magically preserve the integrity of every spoken affirmation when crammed into such a short timeframe. Consider this: Imagine you have a collection of 100 beautiful flowers (affirmations), each with its own unique fragrance and charm (a message). To truly appreciate the beauty of each flower, you’d need a leisurely stroll through a garden, allowing enough time for each aroma to envelop your senses. However, attempting to distill this enchanting garden into a mere one-minute experience would demand a sacrifice, much like trying to cram the essence of those flowers into a single fleeting moment. The result? A substantial loss of the delicate nuances and details that make each bloom so enchanting.
While it might be disheartening to accept, this act of compression is the very essence of information loss prevention in subliminal messaging. Modern audio programs are simply not advanced enough to compress so much auditory information into such a short timeframe. Even though your subconscious mind might be infinite, the audio programs we have today are not able to do what most creators think they can.
Another point I’d like to address is that layering audio data on top of itself, whether to create the illusion of a crowd or white noise, doesn’t preserve the original data—it overwrites it. The more you cram, the more you overwrite, making it challenging for the subconscious to discern any meaningful content. Think of it as writing sentences on top of one another. Initially, it’s decipherable, but as you add more, the original meaning becomes lost. It’s like a crowd shouting at you different things. One person might say “You’re good enough”, and another person might say, “You’re beautiful”.
You will be able to hear both of their voices very clearly. But imagine ten, or even twenty, different people shouting at you. It’s a mess! You hear nothing meaningful but shouting! In addition, it is important to realize that the subconscious mind is not picky. It doesn’t matter which voice says these affirmations; therefore, it isn’t really more helpful to use different voices shouting at you like a crowd. This does not mean the subconscious mind is not capable of processing this information. But the problem is that it cannot decipher what is being said. The affirmations still need to be understandable for the subconscious mind, or else they will not work.
Placebo and subliminal success
You might be wondering about those who claim to get results from subliminals that normally would not work. Well, there is an easy answer to this: the placebo effect! When you consciously believe that you’ll get results because subliminals are supposed to be effective, you’re essentially telling and demanding your subconscious to deliver outcomes based on your expectations rather than the actual audio content. In essence, it’s a form of self-suggestion. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But this effect will subside after some days or weeks, so the results are temporary. As a result, if you want permanent results, you need subliminals that are well-crafted and that do not rely on the placebo effect but actually reprogram the subconscious mind. The placebo effect has nothing to do with programming your mind.
What to do now
The truth is that many subliminals out there do not work properly, as one might believe. And I’m not saying they can’t work, because they can. But it’s only because of the placebo effect, which means you have to believe in a subliminal for it to work. But the truth is that you do not have to believe in subliminal messages. But this truth only works when the subliminals are well-crafted and effective.
Here’s the reason why you don’t need to believe in subliminals.
If you genuinely want your subliminal messages to reach your subconscious effectively, it’s crucial to choose trustworthy subliminal creators who know what they are doing. At the end of the day, it all comes down to one thing: persistent repetition. The key to successfully reprogramming your mind is to consistently listen to the subliminals for at least 1-2 months. The subconscious mind thrives on repetition, and that’s where the real power of subliminals lies. Here you can read how subliminals alter your subconscious mind and, therefore, your reality. And if you want to know how you should listen to subliminals, check out this article.
Reset Subliminals – A Game Changer
If you’re looking for something that truly works and provides you with permanent changes in your life, I’d like to invite you to check out my self-crafted subliminals. I put a lot of effort and time into each one of them, and your support helps me create more content for people in need. If you want to try them out for yourself, I offer three subliminals that are completely free. In exchange for your email, I will send them to you, and I hope to hear about your experience very soon. If you are not familiar with subliminals, please consider reading these instructions to know what to do.